Crafting the perfect social media post!

Emily Montes de Oca, Multi-Media Designer | LinkedIn @emilymontesdeoca
When it comes to creating a company social media posts for your company’s social platform, each one should be treated as if it is a new painting. Each post should be unique and branded to your company page. Creating a monthly social media calendar is the perfect way to decide what post types you want for that month. Sketch in your ideas on the calendar on the dates you wish to post. That gives you a broad overview of the month. Now you can start the creative part of crafting your post!
All post should be UNIQUE in CONTENT.
– Unique content is content that you write and/or gather some reference information from articles that someone else writes. The content should be company branded in messaging like when you write a blog or an article for a publication. Some content you post can be a shared article that you like too.
All posts should have a BRANDED IMAGE.
– If the post doesn’t have an image, it will not gain attention. Using a photo from a link you share in the post is good but even better is a custom branded image. Images should include photos, illustrations, logos, and typography.
All posts should go through a GRAMMAR CHECKER.
– You don’t want to get caught with a mistake in your post. There are free grammar check software apps out there to use, or you can subscribe to a paid service like Grammarly.
Depending on content choose the right URL LINKS.
– You always want to drive social posts to your company website if it pertains to the topic or to the source of the material. You can always have multiple URLs in a post; there is no limit. If you are sharing an article online make sure you double check the link for accuracy.
Depending on the platform each post should have unique HASHTAGS.
– When posting on Instagram, Twitter or even LinkedIn always use hashtags. Create a few that go with your brand. Then research the rest of the hashtags online by keywords that are in your post. Many events have hashtags already created, be sure to visit the event or organizer’s Twitter or Linked In page and find them there.
The average post should take you about 20 minutes to create. So next time you go to post on your social media company pages, take a step back and rethink how to create an entire post.
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