WorkCompRecap @expertsinwc Week of 2.5.18

Artemis Emslie Twitter @ArtemisEmslie on Millennials and the WC Industry: We’re all aware that as an industry we need to re-think and re-tool if we are going to recruit more millennials. We need to bring solutions now. So, what do we need to do to reposition the industry to capture their attention? WC industry systems for the most part are still largely tied to desks and desktop PCs. Let’s rethink the way we do things. Millennials are looking for purpose and want to be impactful. How can we make the WC industry more attractive to this age group? We can help them gain an understanding of the WC industry and how it is connected to the greater good in our society. WC is a fun and complex industry ripe for innovation. Perhaps one answer is to create more injured worker advocates. Let’s build a greater awareness of the language millennials are looking at when searching for a job. This is a hot topic for Industry CEO’s so lets embrace the responsibility! More on millennials in the workplace: Simon Sinek.
Carlos Luna Twitter @CarlosLunaNews on PA SB 936: Pennsylvania Senate Bill 936 to adopt an Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) drug formulary failed to pass the second chamber of the PA legislature, the last stop before heading to Governor Tom Wolf’s desk. The House of Representatives voted 98-98, which fell 3 votes shy of passage. Opposition to the bill was largely driven by misinformation disseminated by parties who financially benefit from the prescription of non-FDA approved compound medications in the state (which would mostly be non-recommended by an EBM drug formulary). A blog published by Karl Voigt on February 2nd, 2018 is a perfect sample of the erroneous claims opponents used to confuse legislators. Proponents expect to issue a motion bringing the bill back for another round of deliberation.
False claims included available medications are “limited to formularies, or lists of approved medications managed by insurers” (FALSE, see bill text; non-recommended drugs are considered reasonable and necessary if treating provider submits documentation of medical necessity); and a formulary adoption leading to “increasing profits for insurers” in the state (FALSE, see bill text; savings are to be passed onto employers via immediate reduction in insurance rates equal to savings achieved).
Abbie Hudgens Twitter @TN_WorkComp on TN and the Gig Economy: A bill has been introduced in the Tennessee Legislature that would enable the growth of the phenomena known as “sharing economy,” “gig economy,” or “platform economy” in Tennessee. SB1967/HB1978 would establish a “marketplace contractor” as an independent contractor, not an employee and establish a “marketplace platform” as a vehicle for marketplace contractors to connect with individuals or entities who wanted their services, not an employer. The bill would substitute 6 different factors for the 7 factors that are currently in the workers compensation law to determine who is an employee. Yesterday the bill was approved by the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee. The next steps are hearings before the Advisory Council of Workers’ Compensation and the House Consumer and Human Resources Committee. Read the law here.
Peter Rousmaniere Twitter @PRousmaniere on Immigration and the WC System: Congress and the White House are wrestling over immigration reform. The workers comp system is likely to be indirectly impacted by reform, if it cuts back on the flow of immigrants who work in jobs with a higher than average injury rate. These include hospitality (such as housecleaning), farm work (such as the nation’s diary farms), construction (such as laborer), and personal aides. Native-born Americans may fill these jobs more, but it is equally likely that employers will try to substitute machines or in other ways cut back on their labor needs. An example of a law reform that could choke off this supply is a “point” system for evaluating applicants for green cards (permanent residency). One point system proposed would make it practically impossible for someone with only a high school degree to accumulate the points for admission.
Yvonne Guibert Twitter @buzzystreet on Alliance of Women in Workers Comp and Upcoming Events: I really enjoy working as an ambassador for the Alliance of Women in Workers Comp. Such a great group of women leaders. I’m currently working with Artemis Emslie and Tammy Boyd to plan the next event in Tampa Bay, coming in early April. Until then, please check out our upcoming events including a pre-conference session featuring Becky Curtis and Rethinking Pain Management at the WCRI Conference in Boston on March 21.
Do you have an idea, suggestion or comment? Please share with me. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please like and share this post here on Linked In and follow, like and RT @workcomprecap on Twitter! Have a great weekend.
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The world according to Zachry.
Catching up with Billy Parker, safety advocate…
Texas Legislative Update: Part Deux
Rethinking Pain from the Neck Up
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Case Managers: are we “professionals?”
Day 2: WCRI 35th Annual Issues & Research Conference | Phoenix, AZ
Day 1: WCRI 35th Annual Issues & Research Conference | Phoenix, AZ
Debunking MSA Myths…
Prepping for a media interview
Update on the Texas Workers’ Comp System
Injured Worker Advocacy and Why it is Important
Case Management and Value Based Care
SEO: Choosing the Right Internet Marketing Company
My name is Yvonne and I’m addicted to sugar…
Workers’ comp is scary…
Why perception matters…
Have you plugged into Comp Laude® Awards & Gala? There’s still time…
Texas Work Comp: ICT Austin Seminar
Reflections: WCI 2018 and Costa Rica
Opioids: how will new state laws and regs affect my WCMSA?
Keeping your employees at work during rehabilitation…
Case management in WC should be moving toward value-based care
WCMSA Legislation - a Band-Aid Solution?
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Embracing mental health in workers’ compensation…
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Digital Pills, Return to Function and Boosting Resilience
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I’ve still got Texas on my mind…see what Joe Paduda, David Langham, Linda Van Dillen and Ralph Gonzalez are thinking.
Go Big! or Better in Texas? Recap of RIMS Conference in San Antonio.
WC experts talk better media interviews, workforce readiness and shining when you are put on the spot…
Value Based Care, CA considers location-based reimbursement, Sleep and more…
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Experts weigh in on Opioids, Opioids, Opioids and CWCI! Week of 3.12.2018
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Is there a place for telemedicine in workers’ comp?
WorkCompRecap Week of 2.12.2018
WorkCompRecap @expertsinwc Week of 2.5.18
WorkCompRecap @expertsinwc Week of 1.29.18
WorkCompRecap: Week of 1.22.18 Twitter @expertsinwc
WorkCompRecap – week of 1/15/18: Twitter @expertsinwc