WorkCompRecap @expertsinwc Week of 1.29.18

Happy Friday! It’s February and Groundhog Day! Please follow on Twitter @workcomprecap. It’s been an interesting week. Please like and share! Comments and suggestions are welcomed!
William Zachry Twitter @wzachry Jumper Claims. The biggest cost drivers in workers compensation are:
- litigation
- lost time
- employer employee relationship
- the at risk employee
- opioids
- Fraud (California Post employment application first notice claims)
There is an interconnection between all of these. One really can not stand alone as a culprit to driving up costs. Employers have the capacity to impact all of these and those who have great relations with their employees have lower litigation rates and lower overall costs. 3% of the claims account for 60% of the dollars spent.
The goal is to identify these claims early and intervene to prevent the catastrophic claim or to settle those claims early to cut off the cost drivers. More from Bill Zachry on Jumper Claims here.
Joe Paduda Twitter @Paduda On the news this week of the Amazon / Berkshire Hathaway / JP Morgan healthcare initiative…Corporate America recognizes what people have long known – the health insurance and healthcare delivery system are dysfunctional, way too expensive, and the entities that got us in this situation won’t be the ones who get us out of it.
Yvonne Guibert Twitter @buzzystreet Automation and the workforce…a topic that is both fascinating and somewhat scary (to me) is the rapid pace at which automation is affecting the workforce. My friend Bill Zachry and I often discuss this topic. He is entirely optimistic about automation and how it will improve the work environment. I’m not so convinced what there is to be optimistic about. In my mind, the Terminator movie accurately depicts how computers and the human world will collide. A recent article from the Huffington Post titled “Workplace Automation is Happening, And Women Will Be Hit The Hardest,” got me thinking about this again, and it doesn’t paint such a rosy picture, especially for women. According to the article based on a recent analysis of US Jobs: 1.4 million jobs will be replaced by automation between now and 2026; nearly 60% of these jobs are held by women; cashiers and retail jobs, the two most common U.S. jobs, employ 7.8 million people of which nearly 74% are female. It’s retraining time folks…this is coming fast!
Christopher R. Brigham, MD Twitter @crbrigham The independent medical evaluation (IME) is an important component of the workers compensation, liability and disability arenas. Unfortunately, many IMEs are of poor quality and obtaining an excellent IME is difficult for many clients. High-quality IME reports that are based on thorough and accurate evaluations, are valuable and assist with appropriate case and litigation management and closure. Best practice standards for IMEs were published in the September – October issue of the AMA Guides Newsletter. These standards include: definition of IME and principles, examiner qualifications, evaluation methodology (pre-evaluation, evaluation, and post-evaluation), report structure, and quality assurance. Adherence to best practice standards, both by those requesting IMEs and those performing IMEs, is essential to achieving excellence. On February 14 (Valentine’s day) at 3:00 pm ET there will be a webinar on “IME Reports: Assuring Excellence!” with Christopher R. Brigham, MD, Brock Curry of Premier Physicians Management Company, LLC, and Les Kertay, PhD. Participants will receive a copy of the best practice standards for IMEs published in the Guides Newsletter.
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Networking Do’s and Don’ts
Why don’t we educate employees during the ”honeymoon” stage?
Jobs which will grow have many foreign-born workers.
Breaking the Negativity Habit.
Discussing Sensitive Topics with Injured Workers. Part 2
Discussing Sensitive Topics with Injured Workers. Part 1
Crafting the perfect social media post!
10 Tips for a Better Media Interview
The world according to Zachry.
Catching up with Billy Parker, safety advocate…
Texas Legislative Update: Part Deux
Rethinking Pain from the Neck Up
Niche Metrics: Are you reaching the right target audience?
Case Managers: are we “professionals?”
Day 2: WCRI 35th Annual Issues & Research Conference | Phoenix, AZ
Day 1: WCRI 35th Annual Issues & Research Conference | Phoenix, AZ
Debunking MSA Myths…
Prepping for a media interview
Update on the Texas Workers’ Comp System
Injured Worker Advocacy and Why it is Important
Case Management and Value Based Care
SEO: Choosing the Right Internet Marketing Company
My name is Yvonne and I’m addicted to sugar…
Workers’ comp is scary…
Why perception matters…
Have you plugged into Comp Laude® Awards & Gala? There’s still time…
Texas Work Comp: ICT Austin Seminar
Reflections: WCI 2018 and Costa Rica
Opioids: how will new state laws and regs affect my WCMSA?
Keeping your employees at work during rehabilitation…
Case management in WC should be moving toward value-based care
WCMSA Legislation - a Band-Aid Solution?
Workers’ Comp Around the World
Embracing mental health in workers’ compensation…
Next-Gen Workers’ Comp Adjusters: Who will step up?
Next-Gen Workers’ Comp Adjusters: Who will step up to solve this puzzle?
Digital Pills, Return to Function and Boosting Resilience
What happened to resilience training?
Making connections in Wall-e world; and have you heard the goldfish theory?
I’ve still got Texas on my mind…see what Joe Paduda, David Langham, Linda Van Dillen and Ralph Gonzalez are thinking.
Go Big! or Better in Texas? Recap of RIMS Conference in San Antonio.
WC experts talk better media interviews, workforce readiness and shining when you are put on the spot…
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WorkCompRecap @expertsinwc Week of 1.29.18
WorkCompRecap: Week of 1.22.18 Twitter @expertsinwc
WorkCompRecap – week of 1/15/18: Twitter @expertsinwc